It’s a Wonderful Life Bible Study

I have always loved the story of It’s A Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart. It has some fine messages and I have organized a Bible Study around this film. We used it at my church during December 2007. It is four parts with the following lessons.

  1. When God Changes Your Plans – focuses on the first part of the film when George has to forgo his great dream of becoming an engineer and leaving Bedford Falls to go to college and travel the world. He gets stuck running the Bailey Building and Loan.
  2. People Have Real Value – George is one of those people that seem to value others unlike mean old Mr. Potter. Jesus was that way too and it caused him to sacrifice his life. We can follow His example.
  3. Where Do You Turn When You’re In Trouble – When George’s Uncle Billie loses $8,000 he turns to a number of sources for help. One source really does help him see that life is better even with struggle than no life at all.
  4. Do You Have An Impact On Others – George learns that he really did matter to the people around him. Both Job and Jeremiah struggled with wanting to cease to exist rather than face their pain. How can we overcome this feeling and live a victorious life even when we face suffering?

    Here is a Word Document with the bible study notes: It’s a Wonderful Life Bible Study

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